當你的狗狗了解”坐下”指令以後, 另一個非常有用的指令是”等待”. 10 個最常使用到”等待”的例子.
1.等待中的狗狗不會暴衝出大門. 2.等待中的狗狗不會爬到廚房桌子偷吃. 3.先令狗狗等待, 再把吃物放下. 4.先令狗狗等待, 再扣上牽繩去散步. 5.有需要時, 令狗狗在門邊等待, 給你時間準備. 6.等待中的狗狗不會跳到客人身上. 7.先令狗狗等待, 你可以好好的吃飯. 8.會等待的狗狗比較能自我控制. 9.等待中的狗狗不會暴衝別人或其他狗. 10.等待中的狗狗比較不會受外界影響至太興奮. 那要如何教”等待”? 等待有2種, “坐下-等待”與 “趴下-等待”. “坐下-等待”的目標是狗狗要保持坐下並同時保持與你視線接觸, 至等待結束為止. 教”坐下-等待”指令 先準備一些狗狗愛吃的小點心放在口袋; 準備時不要給狗狗看到. 把狗狗帶到安靜沒有分散物的話地方. 叫牠的名字, 得牠的注意力. 當狗狗看著你時你向著牠說’等等’然後用手示在牠臉前. ‘等等’的手示就是平開手掌, 像表示’停’的手勢. 給手示以後馬上把手放到身旁. 與狗狗保持視線接觸. 默數至5, 然後給狗狗一塊小點心作為留在原地不動的增強. 在狗狗侶保持不動時給牠解除指令. 給解除指令時狗狗一定要看著你. 如果解除以前狗狗離位, 減短等待時間至狗狗能成功完成. 多次成功完成等待指令後可以漸漸加長等待的時間. 增加距離 當你能夠往前往後移動一步而狗狗能繼續保持’等待’時, 你就可以把距離增加至兩步. 準備5~10塊小點心在手中; 往後退一兩步, 馬上往前, 給狗狗小點心增強. 再發’等等’指令, 往後退. 重覆訓習至發完5~10塊小點心. 當狗狗能重覆做到等待時, 你又可以再增加距離; 或保持相同距離但增加等待時間. 目標是在狗狗離位前把等待指令完成. 如果在解除指令前狗狗動了就表示距離太遠或等的時候太長了. 加入分散注意力事物 當狗狗有可靠的’坐下-等待’時, 替狗狗扣上長一點的牽繩以作安全. 給狗狗’坐下-等待’指令. 然後加入一些分散注意力的事物; 例如玩具或朋友經過. 狗狗在家裡訓習等待時可以請家人敲門或丟玩具在狗狗附近. 每一次你加入新的事物請減短距離和等待時間; 這樣會確保狗狗的成功率. 手拿著5~10塊小點心; 每當分散物注意力事物發生時每3秒就給點心增強一次; 把狗狗注意力保持在你身上. 重覆練習; 當狗狗能夠不受分散注意力事物影響而能夠保持對你注意時 我的狗狗已知道”坐下”和不會在家裡大小便, 為什麼還需要訓練?”
很多人都覺得狗狗去大小便沒問題, 也懂得幾招可愛的就不需要訓練了. 其實行為訓練的好處很廣很深; 而不是學可愛花招那麼簡單. 行為訓練是您和狗狗溝通, 再加上正確的社交, 您就提供您狗狗一個心理上健康快樂的好開始! 以下是幾點訓練的好處: •小狗幼幼班提供了安全的環境和其他小狗/ 人/ 事物互動的機會. •狗主可以從訓練班學到狗行為表現的常識, 和處理簡單行為問題 (如上大小便, 亂咬東西) 的方法. •不管狗狗年齡, 行為訓練給您和狗狗基本的學習方法去學其他活動. •狗狗可以學到我們喜歡的好生活習慣/ 行為. •會聽話, 有規舉的狗狗不會影響別人,帶到街上會受歡迎. • 有好的生活行為是給狗狗有一個”永遠的家” 其中一重要條件. 遺棄動物有多種原因, 最普遍聽到的是家裡亂大小便, 醫藥費用, 亂叫, 過度活躍和侵略性高. 除了醫藥費用外, 其他問題都是行為訓練可避免/ 更改善的. •訓練過程中各種活動能加進您和狗狗的闗係. •訓練是很有趣的! “My dog knows how to “sit” and he is already housebroken, why does he need more training?”
Many people might have the idea that if their dog goes to bathroom outside the house and knows a few tricks, training is not that necessary. But the fact is, training has more benefit then just fun and games. Training is about how you and your dog communicate, and with proper socialization, you are giving your dog a good start to a happy and healthy life. Some of the benefits of dog training: •Puppy classes provide opportunity for getting your new family member started off right. Group classes provide the experiences and opportunities for your puppies to develop interaction skills other puppies, with people and in new environments. •Training classes provide dog parents the skills and knowledge for dealing with common, normal dog behaviors. Like housetraining and chewing. •No matter what age you start training your dog, foundation training provides the basis for any activity, and behavior or job you want your dog to do. •Training provides dogs with the basic good manners we all want; from polite greeting when guests arrive, to walking nicely on the leash, to coming when called. •A trained dog is a fully participating member of the family, if your dog is well behave, you will want to take him anywhere, right? •Training has been shown to be the single most important thing that keeps a dog in his or her “forever” home. Here are few other reasons that I’ve heard of: house training problems, veterinary cost, barking, hyperactivity and aggression. Other then veterinary cost is monetary issue, the rest of them are all behavior issues that can be prevent/ eliminate by proper training. •Training builds your mutual bond, enhances the partnership and enriches the relationship you share with your dog, is there anything better? •And training is fun, for both you and your dog! |
Ebi (Elvian)